Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Yuvraj- India’s super bull worth Rupees 9 Crore

India is a land to many worldwide known attractions. This country attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is also one of the country in the world which is majorly depended on it primary sector that is an agricultural sector. Agriculture also consists of dairy cooperatives and India is one of the largest milk producing countries across the world.

This wonderful nation is home to the world’s most handsome bull and huge bull known as the super bull. This bull is in the possession of Mr Karamvir Singh of the Suneria village in Haryana, It is named Yuvraj by Mr Singh. This handsome bull is about 5 feet and 9n inches tall and stretches about 14 feet in length. It weighs more a 14oo kgs. The diet of this super bull might just blow your mind. It drinks around 20 litres of milk along with 15 kgs of best quality cattle feed and 5 kgs of apples per day. Mr Karamvir Singh spends about 3000 on his diet on daily basis. This super bull also goes for his full exercise; it walks about 5km daily.

His very proud owner, Mr. Karamvir Singh refuses to sell it even know it is priced about 9 Crore rupees. He says that it’s because of the fact that this bull is so unique ad belongs to the Murrah breed which is in the top 13 of the bulls in the world. The wonderful thing about this breed is its semen which each dose sells to about 300 rupees. With this semen Mr. Karamvir earns about 50 lakh rupees every year.

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